Installing software updates

Modified: 09 Mar 2023 22:10 UTC

Periodically, MNX will provide updates to your Triton installation. These updates will be applied using the sdcadm utility. This page provides detail on this process.

The sdcadm utility

The sdcadm utility manages all upgrade activity for Triton, and contains logic to cleanly and safely upgrade all Triton components. Dependencies are automatically managed and handled by this utility.

Additionally, this utility can provide a command and activity history for auditing purposes.

Components managed through sdcadm

Software update procedure

Each new release of Triton software will include release notes that describe the steps to be performed for applying updates to existing installations. These steps may vary depending on the currently installed versions. Customers should always adhere to the steps defined in the release notes and should not assume that the steps are the same for every release.

Note: Customers should not apply updates without the express instruction of MNX support.