Forcing a re-sync of VMAPI
In rare instances, VMAPI can get out of sync with the actual contents of a compute node. One way this can manifest itself as an instance showing in a state of incomplete.
Whereas this is usually cleared up automatically, there are times when this situation can persist. This procedure explains how to force VMAPI to re-sync for a given instance.
Checking VMAPI
Using VMAPI or the Operations Portal, check the state of the instance. In this case, we have an instance named testvm01 which is showing in an incomplete state. This is a transitory state, so it should not be in this state. Most likely, this is a failed provision where VMAPI has not updated properly.
# sdc sdc-vmapi /vms/d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4 | json -Ha uuid alias state
d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4 testvm01 incomplete
Using the sdc-vmapi
tool to query VMAPI above, we see that the instance is currently in a state of incomplete based on what VMAPI knows.
Checking vmadm
Log into the compute node that is the host for the instance and use the vmadm(1m) command to verify the state of the instance on this node:
# vmadm list
ee53a6fa-9ed4-4f09-a6e5-123456789 OS 1024 running testvm02
af6ff6e6-2635-cb64-9e7c-987654321 OS 4096 running testvm03
93ae89f2-9a19-4d12-8bce-8765432456 OS 7168 running testvm04
b9db9624-b2b5-46fa-8f24-uy76554332 OS 7168 running testvm05
In the case above, instance testvm01 (uuid: d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4) is not present on the compute node, however it is still showing in VMAPI with a state of incomplete.
Synchronizing VMAPI
To correct this, we need to force VMAPI to resync it's information about that particular instance. To do this, we need to log into the head node and communicate with the VMAPI endpoint. The format of this command is:
sdc sdc-vmapi /vms/<VM UUID>?sync=true
Using our testvm01 instance's UUID and running results in the following output:
# sdc sdc-vmapi /vms/d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4?sync=true
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3154
Content-MD5: Ny5TwUIsW171zBrXqc3wzg==
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:35:11 GMT
Server: VMAPI
x-request-id: e77199f0-2a11-11e4-affd-ab5d44b1809c
x-response-time: 25
x-server-name: 1234567-f56a-4b0c-851c-1ac2143e6972
Connection: keep-alive
"uuid": "d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4",
"alias": "testvm01",
"autoboot": false,
"brand": "kvm",
"billing_id": "567lhre45-2ghf-65gh-56hgf-b56hgfdet567,
"cpu_cap": 25,
"cpu_shares": 25,
"create_timestamp": "2014-08-17T03:24:13.621Z",
"customer_metadata": {
"root_authorized_keys": "ssh-rsa ...3r\n"
"datasets": [],
"destroyed": "2014-08-22T15:35:11.390Z",
"firewall_enabled": false,
"internal_metadata": {},
"last_modified": "2014-08-17T06:49:49.000Z",
"limit_priv": "default,-file_link_any,-net_access,-proc_fork,-proc_info,-proc_session",
"max_locked_memory": 1280,
"max_lwps": 4000,
"max_physical_memory": 1280,
"max_swap": 2048,
"nics": [
"interface": "net0",
"mac": "90:b8:d0:48:6a:a0",
"vlan_id": 767,
"nic_tag": "external",
"gateway": "",
"ip": "",
"netmask": "",
"network_uuid": "1234567-1234-1234-1234-12345555a409c",
"model": "virtio",
"primary": true
"interface": "net1",
"mac": "90:b8:d0:e0:f5:7a",
"vlan_id": 862,
"nic_tag": "internal",
"gateway": "",
"ip": "",
"netmask": "",
"network_uuid": "1234566-1234d-1234-1234-abcdefb15",
"model": "virtio"
"owner_uuid": "09876543-6543-4567b-34564-a123456f6f53b",
"platform_buildstamp": "20131218T184706Z",
"quota": 10,
"ram": 1024,
"resolvers": [
"server_uuid": "44454c4c-3800-1036-8059-b5c04f395231",
"snapshots": [],
"state": "destroyed",
"tags": {},
"zfs_io_priority": 100,
"zone_state": "destroyed",
"zpool": "zones",
"package_name": "g3-standard-1-kvm",
"package_version": "1.0.0",
"vcpus": 1,
"cpu_type": "host",
"disks": [
"path": "/dev/zvol/rdsk/zones/d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4-disk0",
"boot": false,
"media": "disk",
"image_size": 16384,
"image_uuid": "9c4003c0-7c6a-6d12-acb3-813e0b087946",
"image_name": "base-aberrant",
"zfs_filesystem": "zones/d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4-disk0",
"zpool": "zones",
"size": 16384,
"compression": "off",
"refreservation": 16384,
"block_size": 8192
"path": "/dev/zvol/rdsk/zones/d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4-disk1",
"size": 33792,
"zfs_filesystem": "zones/d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4-disk1",
"refreservation": 0,
Verifying the state change
At this point, we can node verify the state of the instance via the VMAPI endpoint:
# sdc sdc-vmapi /vms/d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4 | json -Ha uuid alias state
d112345b17-541c-1234-d6e6-cf15457ffcb4 testvm01 destroyed
As you can see, the output above matches the output from vmadm
, in that the testvm01 instance is showing as destroyed, which means it does not exist in any form on the compute node.