Start and manage multiple containers with Triton Compose

Modified: 26 Jan 2023 22:12 UTC

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running applications with multiple containers. A docker-compose.yml file configures the application services. Triton Compose is the version of Docker Compose which you can use to scale or start applications on Triton.

Instead of using triton-docker run three, four, or five times in order to start containers or scale your application, a Compose file does the hard work for you. On Triton, your containers will run on different physical servers across the cloud.

Triton Compose in action

Watch the screencast

Docker Compose makes it easy to deploy rolling changes to your application and give your users a seemless experience. As long as you have more than one instance running, you can update your application with no downtime.

Watch the video to learn more.

Docker Compose file syntax

While we technically support any version of the Docker Compose syntax, we don't support all the options of every version.

By default, version 1 is the most compatible. Versions 2 and above require network_mode: bridge as shown in our MySQL Autopilot Pattern compose file.