Triton Volumes

Modified: 19 Mar 2024 14:31 UTC

Triton Volumes are a network based shared storage mechanism, and provide a way to have persistent filesystem storage that can be attached to one or more instances.

Because Triton Volumes are network based, they may only be used on fabric networks. Any instance may mount any volumes that are on the same fabric network(s). Because of this, it is often recommended to create dedicated networks for volume access.

Listing Available Sizes

Use the triton volume sizes command to determine which volume sizes are available in the datacenter you are using.

$ triton volume sizes
TYPE        SIZE
tritonnfs    10G
tritonnfs    20G
tritonnfs   900G
tritonnfs  1000G

Creating a Volume

Volumes can be created using the triton volume create command.

Tags and affinity rules can also be applied to volumes. See triton help volume create.

$ triton volume create --name tank --size 10G --network My-Fabric-Network --wait
Creating volume tank (4f73cbcd-60d3-4a6f-9a8d-673d3ed4deb8)
Created volume tank (4f73cbcd-60d3-4a6f-9a8d-673d3ed4deb8)

List existing volumes

To view your volumes use the triton volume list or triton volumes command.

$ triton volumes
4f73cbcd  tank  10G   tritonnfs  ready  4m

Use the -l flag to produce a long list, which will include the volume filesystem path.

$ triton volumes -l
ID                                    NAME  SIZE  TYPE       RESOURCE                                                         STATE  CREATED
4f73cbcd-60d3-4a6f-9a8d-673d3ed4deb8  tank  10G   tritonnfs  ready  2024-03-18T20:13:36.900Z

You can also use the triton volume get command to view the properties of the volume.

$ triton volume get tank
    "name": "tank",
    "owner_uuid": "f61d463c-fd94-4f83-a17f-8b371186124c",
    "size": 10240,
    "type": "tritonnfs",
    "state": "ready",
    "networks": [
    "filesystem_path": "",
    "refs": [],
    "id": "4f73cbcd-60d3-4a6f-9a8d-673d3ed4deb8",
    "tags": {},
    "created": "2024-03-18T20:13:36.900Z"

Attaching Volumes to instances at create time

When creating native SmartOS (joyent brand) or LX brand zones, volumes can be attached at create time. This registers the instance as a consumer of the volume. Volumes with registerd consumers cannot be destroyed while consumers exist.

For native SmartOS (joyent brand) or LX brand instances, volumes attached at create time will be automatically mounted in the instance.

$ triton create base-64-lts g1.nano --name dozer --network MNX-Triton-Public,My-Fabric-Network --volume tank:/tank -w
Creating instance dozer (ed51baed-a59a-4db5-beb8-da6b1440b30a, base-64-lts@23.4.0)
Created instance dozer (ed51baed-a59a-4db5-beb8-da6b1440b30a) in 1m3s
$ triton ssh dozer
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

  ,---.                   |     ,---. ,---.
  `---. ,-.-. ,---. ,---. |---  |   | `---.  base-64-lts
      | | | | ,---| |     |     |   |     |  23.4.0
  `---' ` ' ' `---' `     `---' `---' `---'

[root@dozer ~]# mount | grep tank
/tank on remote/read/write/setuid/nodevices/xattr/zone=ed51baed-a59a-4db5-beb8-da6b1440b30a/dev=9540001 on Mon Mar 18 20:24:14 2024

Note that since this is a joyent brand zone, the share is already mounted.

Mounting Volumes in Instances

For HVM (bhyve or KVM) volumes must be mounted manually, with a config management system, with cloud-init, or some other process. For the exact documentation consult the management system you are using. Native SmartOS (joyent brand) or LX brand instances may also mount volumes manually.

The following example should work on most systems, but does not define a persistent mount. LX instances may need to use /native/usr/bin/mount instead of /usr/bin/mount.

root@hopper:~# mkdir /tank
root@hopper:~# apt-get install nfs-common
root@hopper:~# mount /tank
root@hopper:~# mount | grep tank on /tank type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.0,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr=

The following cloud-init example would be used to configure the example Triton Volume used in this document.

  - nfs-common
package_update: true
package_upgrade: true
package_reboot_if_required: true
  - [
    "0", "0"
  - mount /tank