Using delegated datasets

Modified: 09 Jan 2023 15:51 UTC

Instructions on how to enable an infrastructure container running SmartOS or Container Native Linux for delegated dataset support, as well as how to create, import, and export delegated datasets within the context of that infrastructure container.

Create the instance with delegated dataset support via VMAPI

First, create a json blob to define your container. At a minimum you need to provide

Key Value Description
owner_uuid UUID of the account to own the new instance
brand joyent or lx containers running SmartOS are always joyent brand, containers running native linux are always lx brand
networks Array of Network UUIDs One must be set with primary equal to true
billing_id Package UUID
image_uuid Image UUID container based images only
alias VM Name Optional
delegate_dataset true Tells Triton to allow the dataset to be delegated

Sample file:

  "owner_uuid": "2516f02a-2c72-ed1f-957a-890f37a014a4",
  "brand": "joyent",
        { "uuid": "d34f3fd1-f69d-4613-a29f-9d08f399759e" , "primary": true }
  "billing_id": "8d205d81-3672-4297-b80f-7822eb6c998b",
  "image_uuid": "d34c301e-10c3-11e4-9b79-5f67ca448df0",
  "alias": "delgator02",
  "delegate_dataset": true

Once you've created your json blob, you can create your container using sdc-vmapi as shown below:

# sdc-vmapi /vms -X POST -d @delegator.json
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 100
Content-MD5: 6vce+OJzggjZZOdmQJOReQ==
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:44:16 GMT
Server: VMAPI
x-request-id: 6513aff0-39f4-11e4-b9de-2753486418db
x-response-time: 202
x-server-name: 1cb272df-66bc-41d3-a1d4-4cabc3f4a758
Connection: keep-alive

  "vm_uuid": "a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e",
  "job_uuid": "719673c6-4727-46c1-bb45-2d894d0f16c5"

Create the instance with delegated dataset support via AdminUI

The Operations Portal permits you to add a delegated dataset to an instance by checking the appropriate box as shown below:

Creating a dataset within your instance

Once the instance is running, connect to it as root and list the datasets available:

# zfs list
NAME                                                     USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
zones                                                   42.3G  2.63T   594K  /zones
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e              11.6M  25.0G   421M  /zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data           38K  25.0G    19K  /zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data

As you see, we have a 25GB dataset called zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data for our instance. We are now going to create a 50MB dataset called logdir, mount it as /logdir, and enable file compression on it.

To accomplish this, we can use standard ZFS commands:

# zfs create zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir
# zfs set quota=50M  zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir
# zfs set mountpoint=/logdir zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir
# zfs set compression=lz4  zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir
Viewing the dataset

We can now view the dataset through both the zfs list command and the df command as shown:

# zfs list
NAME                                                     USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
zones                                                   42.3G  2.63T   594K  /zones
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e              11.6M  25.0G   421M  /zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data           38K  25.0G    19K  /zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir    19K  50.0M    19K  /logdir

# df -h /logdir
Filesystem                                              Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir   50M   19K   50M   1% /logdir
Using the dataset

At this point, the dataset can be used just like any other dataset. If the defined quota is exceeded, you will receive an error on the command that cause the dataset to hit the quota:

# tar cf /logdir/test.tar /big_directory
tar: /logdir/test.tar: Cannot write: Disc quota exceeded
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Importing a ZFS dataset into your instance

It is possible to import a ZFS dataset into a container that has a delegated dataset if the container has been granted the sys_fs_import privilege. This again requires access to the instance as root.

For this example, we will be using a file containing a ZFS snapshot, although you could also pipe the data into the receive command from a zfs send running remotely.

# file zfs_test.snap
zfs_test.snap:  ZFS snapshot stream
# zfs receive zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/zfs_test < zfs_test.snap
# zfs list
NAME                                                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
zones                                                     42.4G  2.63T   594K  /zones
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e                82.1M  24.9G   432M  /zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data           59.7M  24.9G    19K  /zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir    50.0M      0  50.0M  /logdir
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/zfs_test  9.66M  24.9G  9.66M  /zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/zfs_test
# zfs set mountpoint=/zfs_test zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/zfs_test
# df -h /zfs_test/
Filesystem                                                Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/zfs_test   25G  9.7M   25G   1% /zfs_test

Exporting a ZFS dataset from your instance

It is possible to export a ZFS dataset from a container that has delegated dataset support enabled. This again requires access to the instance as root.

For this example, we will be writing our ZFS snapthot to a file, but you could also pipe to a zfs receive command running over ssh to export to another system.

# zfs list zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir
NAME                                                     USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir  50.0M      0  50.0M  /logdir
# zfs snapshot zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir@snap
# zfs send  zones/a879904a-8992-60da-83aa-e559022a656e/data/logdir@snap > zfs_logdir.snap
# file zfs_logdir.snap
zfs_logdir.snap:        ZFS snapshot stream