
Modified: 26 Jan 2023 22:12 UTC

If a telemetry option is provided, ContainerPilot will expose a Prometheus HTTP client interface that can be used to scrape performance telemetry. The telemetry interface is advertised as a service to Consul. Each metric for the telemetry service configures a collectors for the Prometheus client library. A Prometheus server can then make HTTP requests to the telemetry endpoint.

Configuration details follow, but this blog post offers a usage example and narrative for it.

The top-level telemetry configuration defines the telemetry HTTP endpoint. This endpoint will be advertised to Consul (or other discovery service) just as a typical ContainerPilot service block is. The service will be called containerpilot and will be served on the path /metrics. The telemetry service will send periodic heartbeats to the discovery service to identify that it is still operating. There is no user-defined health check for the telemetry service endpoint, and you don't need to configure the poll/TTL; it will send a 15 second heartbeat every 5 seconds.

A minimal configuration for ContainerPilot including telemetry might look like this:

  consul: "consul:8500",
  telemetry: {
    port: 9090,
    interfaces: ["eth0"],
    tags: ["tag1"],
    metrics: [
        namespace: "my_namespace",
        subsystem: "my_subsystem",
        name: "my_events_count",
        help: "help text",
        type: "counter"
  jobs: [
      name: "sensor",
      exec: "/bin/",
      timeout: "5s",
      when: {
        interval: "5s"

The fields are as follows:

Collector configuration

The metrics field is a list of user-defined metrics that the telemetry service will use to configure Prometheus collectors.

Sensor configuration

The collectors can record metrics sent via the HTTP control socket. If your application can't use this endpoint on its own, you can use a periodic job to record the metric value and call containerpilot -putmetric. An example of a good job script might be:

# check free memory
val=$(free | awk -F' +' '/Mem/{print $3}')
./containerpilot -putmetric "free_memory=$val"

Collector types

ContainerPilot supports all four of the metric types available in the Prometheus API. Briefly these are:


A cumulative metric that represents a single numerical value that only ever goes up. A typical use case for a counter is a count of the number of of certain events. The value returned by the sensor will be added to the counter for that metric.


A metric that represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down. A typical use case for a gauge might be a measurement of the current memory usage. The value returned by the sensor script will be set as the new value for the gauge metric.


A count of observations in "buckets", along with the sum of all observed values. A typical use case might be request durations or response sizes. When the Prometheus server scrapes this telemetry endpoint, it will receive a list of buckets and their counts. For example:

namespace_subsystem_response_bucket{le="1"} 0
namespace_subsystem_response_bucket{le="2.5"} 0
namespace_subsystem_response_bucket{le="5"} 1
namespace_subsystem_response_bucket{le="10"} 2
namespace_subsystem_response_bucket{le="+Inf"} 2

This indicates that the collector has seen 2 events in total. One event had a value less than 5 (le="5"), whereas a second was less than 10.


A summary is similar to a histogram, but while it also provides a total count of observations and a sum of all observed values, it calculates quantiles over a sliding time window. For example:

namespace_subsystem_response_seconds_summary{quantile="0.5"} 0.3
namespace_subsystem_response_seconds_summary{quantile="0.9"} 0.5
namespace_subsystem_response_seconds_summary{quantile="0.99"} 2

This indicates that the 50th percentile response time is 0.3 seconds, the 90th percentile is 0.5 seconds, and the 99th percentile is 2 seconds.

Please see the Prometheus docs on histograms for best practices on when you should choose histograms vs summaries.