Docker tools

Modified: 21 Oct 2024 22:57 UTC

Docker client applications, including the Docker CLI, can connect to the Triton remote API endpoint to launch and control Docker containers on bare metal across an entire Triton data center. Each data center is a single Triton Elastic Docker Host endpoint.

Quick start

There are just three steps to using Docker on Triton:

Install Triton CLI

In order to interact with Docker and other containers on Triton, you must install the Triton CLI tool and set up Triton CLI profiles.

You can use Triton CLI profiles for different data centers and different users. You can switch between profiles by specifying the profile name, as in: triton env <profile name>[^1].

If your Triton profile was created before Triton CLI version 4.9, you'll have to update it for Docker:

triton profile docker-setup <profile name>

Please see contact support if you encounter any difficulty.

Configure Docker CLI

You can downlaod a binary for docker without installing Docker Desktop for your platform from

The docker client is configured via environment variables. The triton cli tool can be used to display or set the correct values.

To display the values:

triton env -d

To set these values automatically, run:

eval "$(triton env -d)"

This command can be added to your shel rc files (e.g., .bshrc, .zshrc, etc.).

After the environmet is configure, you can use docker as you normally would.

To test Docker, you can run docker info and see your account name in the output. We can see jill, our example user, in SDCAccount: jill here:

$ docker info
Executing in 'us-sw-1' (via env var; use `eval "$(triton env <profile name>)"` to change) at 03:30:45 PM
Containers: 0
Images: 0
Storage Driver: sdc
 SDCAccount: jill
Execution Driver: sdc-0.3.0
Logging Driver: json-file
Kernel Version: 3.12.0-1-amd64
Operating System: SmartDataCenter
CPUs: 0
Total Memory: 0 B
Name: us-sw-1
ID: 65698e31-2754-4e86-9d05-bfc881037812

Work with Docker containers

Once docker has been installed, you'll be able to run containers on Triton. Get started:

Learn more ways to work with Docker containers on Triton.


Use docker commands almost exactly as you would on your local machine (with a some exceptions).

However, some docker commands will emit errors and certain newer features are not yet available on Triton. See the Divergance document for details on differences between Docker on Linux and Triton Docker.

Docker is an open source project and therefore can be released with bugs which will cause problems on Triton.

What next?

Please check out the Docker user guide and our blog posts to learn more about building infrastructure with Docker on Triton.