Generating an SSH key

Modified: 26 Jan 2023 22:12 UTC

Triton services use SSH key pairs for authentication. If you have an existing SSH key pair, you must upload the public key to Triton to associate it with your account. We recommend using ECDSA or RSA keys.

If you don’t have an SSH key pair, you can create SSH keys and then associate them with your Triton account. For macOS and Linux users, the Triton Portal can create keys so easily, the process feels automatic. To learn how to do this, visit Generating an SSH key automatically.

For Windows environments and developers who take a hands-on approach, visit:

What are my next steps?

Once you have created an account, added billing information to complete your profile, and uploaded your public SSH key, your Triton Compute Service account is ready to use. What do you want to do next?