Cancelling your account

Modified: 08 Mar 2023 00:28 UTC

To cancel your Triton account, contact

When sending in a request that requires MNX to modify your Triton account, you will need to send this email from an authorized email address.

If we can not verify that you are authorized to make requests for that account, we will have to email you back (causing a delay) to assist you.

Stop billing your account

While you wait to hear from support, you can stop your account from being billed further by removing all existing instances.

To remove an instance with triton CLI, execute triton instance delete <UUID>. That command can remove any instance, including Docker containers. Repeat within each triton profile and every data center to remove all instances.

To remove an instance in the portal, login to your account. Navigate to the Instances list. Select the data center which hosts the instance you wish to remove. Select the checkbox next to each instance you wish to remove. From the actions drop down, select delete. You will be prompted to confirm: "Destroy the information on this instance and stop billing for this instance?" Repeat these steps for all data centers and all instances.

You will be billed for all provisioned instances, including those which are stopped.