Frequently asked questions

Modified: 26 Jan 2023 22:12 UTC

Can I pick an IP address for my instances?

No, at this time. Triton will manage all of the addresses in your network. It keeps track of what addresses have been assigned, simplifying administration. Triton will allocate an unused address for you when this instance is provisioned.

We strongly suggest using Triton CNS for DNS management and service discovery inside the network.

Is there a default network created?

Every user has a default network and VLAN created for them in each data center. The VLAN is id 2 and the default network is

Can my existing containers and VMs communicate to containers or VMs on a fabric network?

No, by default existing containers and VMs cannot communicate with containers or VMs on a network fabric, unless either both instances have public IP addresses or some other common network.

Can I put an existing container or VM onto a fabric network?

You can add a new network interface to an existing container or VM using the CloudAPI NICs endpoint or using sdc-nics create <network uuid> <instance uuid> (see instructions for installing the smartdc commands). Support for adding NICs via Triton CLI is forthcoming.

What addresses can I use for a network?

You can create networks from the RFC 1918 address spaces. Specifically, the valid ranges are:

Your networks can be carved out of any valid sub-network from these ranges. For example, the following are all valid networks that can be created:

How many VLANs can I create?

You can create up to 1024 VLANs.

How many IPv4 networks can I create?

You can create up to 1024 IPv4 networks.

What's the smallest IPv4 Network I can create?

The smallest IPv4 network you can create is a /28.

What's the largest IPv4 Network I can create?

The largest IPv4 network you can create is a /8. However, it is limited by the size of the RFC 1918 space that you're using. For example, you cannot create a /8 sized network in

Can I use all the addresses in a network?

No. We reserve the first four IP addresses and the last IP address in each subnet.

Can I still run ipf inside my SmartOS instance for a firewall?

Yes, ipf will continue to work the same.

Can I still run iptables inside my Linux HVM instance for a firewall?

Yes, iptables will continue to work the same.

Will my existing Cloud Firewall rules still work?

Yes, your existing Cloud Firewall rules will still work for containers or VMs that have a network on a fabric.

Can other customers reach my container or VM?

If your container or VM does not have any public addresses, then other customers will not be able to reach it. If it does have public addresses, then other customers will be able to reach your container or VM, but only on the public address.

Are Broadcast and Multicast Traffic supported?

No, neither broadcast nor multicast traffic is supported. Broadcast and multicast traffic as the implementation for ARP are NDP taken care of for you.

Can I create a router between my networks?

At this time there is no support for deploying a router that can route traffic between two different IPv4 networks on your fabric. Instead, make sure each container or VM has an interface on both networks, see [Common Configurations] for examples. In the future we will add better support for routing.

Can instances on a fabric reach the Internet by default?

Yes, by default all networks on a fabric are created with an active Internet gateway that allows them to reach the Internet. However, this option can also be disabled on a per-network basis.

Can instances in two different DCs network with one another?

A given network and fabric is limited to a given data center. There is no way for the networks in the two data centers to join together by default. In the future, we'll add better support for connecting multiple data centers networking spaces together through the use of VPNs.

Can I connect a VPN to a fabric?

No, at this time you cannot attach a VPN to a fabric. We'll be exploring ways to allow for connecting both hardware and software VPNs in the future.

Can I assign multiple IP addresses from a network to an instance?

No, you cannot at this time. We're working on eliminating this limitation.

Can I use IPv6?

No, IPv6 is not supported at this time.

Can I use DHCP to manage addresses?

No, you cannot use DHCP to manage network addresses. Triton manages network addresses and assignments for you to ensure that you duplicate IP addresses cannot get assigned. If you traditionally use DHCP to manage which instances get which specific addresses, then that can instead be accomplished through the facilities that Triton provides.

Can I change the IP address of an instance?

No, you cannot directly change the IP address of an instance. You have to add a new interface and then remove the existing one.

Can I modify a network's subnet after I've created it?

No, you cannot. If you'd like to resize a network, you must remove all containers and VMs from the network, destroy it, and create a new one.

Can I modify a network's provisionable IP range after I've created it?

No, you cannot.

Can I reserve an IP Address on a network?

At the moment, reservations cannot made; however, instead the provisionable range can be changed. The ability to reserve IP addresses on a network so they do not get used for provisioning will be added in the future.

Can I specify DNS Servers for a network?

Yes, you can specify them as part of creating a network.

Can a SmartOS instance use a network on a fabric?


Can a HVM instance use a network on a fabric?


Can a Docker instance use a network on a fabric?

Yes. Currently a docker instance will use the default network to control which private network on a fabric it is on.