Using access control with CloudAPI

Modified: 03 Jan 2024 18:23 UTC

You can use role based access control to limit the users who can work with instances and other objects in your Triton account by assigning roles to CloudAPI endpoints.

Resources in CloudAPI

In Manta resources are Manta objects. For CloudAPI, resources are CloudAPI endpoints that look like this:

Resource CloudAPI Documentation Section
/:account/machines/ Machines
/:account/users/ Users
/:account/roles/ Roles
/:account/packages/ Packages
/:account/assets/images/ Images
/:account/policies/ Policies
/:account/keys/ Keys
/:account/datacenters/ Datacenters
/:account/fwrules/ Fwrules
/:account/networks/ Networks

The :account element can be either the literal my or it can be an account name. The literal my means the account name specified in the the --account option of a CloudAPI CLI command, or, if missing, the account name specified by the SDC_ACCOUNT environment variable.

In Manta, objects do not automatically inherit roles from its parent directory. Manta objects must be explicitly role-tagged, even if the parent directory has the desired role-tag. Likewise, in CloudAPI roles are never inherited. You must provide a role to each resource that requires one.

If a user in an account creates an object, such as an instance, the new object is tagged with that user's default roles, and any role the user assumed when the object was created. You can see an example of this in the section Writing a Role for Instance Creation later in this page.

Working with CloudAPI and access control

Assume we have some instances running in the datacenter.

$ sdc-listmachines | json -a id name
db1186a7-e908-632e-d609-ed960ed8bac1 first
dbdd81f1-43a7-4adb-a5cd-d18655c4b682 second
ad4c95dc-c813-6b63-b3b4-fc4515d36951 third

Maria can't do this because there's no default role that lets her list machines.

$ sdc-listmachines --user=maria --keyId=$MARIA_KEY
sdc-listmachines: error (NotAuthorized): You do not have permission to access /philip/machines (listmachines)

But we can user sdc-user get --membership and see that she's an administrator.

$ sdc-user get 8e9fcc58-3240-4e33-d145-fad9d92c6822 --membership
  "id": "8e9fcc58-3240-4e33-d145-fad9d92c6822",
  "login": "maria",
  "email": "",
  "city": "Boston",
  "roles": [
  "default_roles": [],
  "updated": "2014-07-21T22:54:34.586Z",
  "created": "2014-07-17T15:32:48.029Z"

If Maria assumes the administrator role, she's able to list the machines in the datacenter.

$ sdc-listmachines --user=maria --keyId=$MARIA_KEY --role=administrator| json -a id name
db1186a7-e908-632e-d609-ed960ed8bac1 first
dbdd81f1-43a7-4adb-a5cd-d18655c4b682 second
ad4c95dc-c813-6b63-b3b4-fc4515d36951 third

In order to give a sub-user the power to access objects and directories, you must execute sdc-chmod for each access point. This includes high level object such as /my/datacenters and /my/users/.

$ sdc-chmod +role_name /my/user/UUID

See more examples of sdc-chmod in Tagging CloudAPI resources with roles.

Creating a list-only role

Let's make a role, listing, that allows someone to list all the instances, images, and packages available to the account. The listonly role has a single policy called canlist.

First, let's create the policy.

$ sdc-policy create --name=canlist \
                    --rules='CAN listmachines' \
                    --rules='CAN listimages' \
                    --rules='CAN listpacakges'
  "name": "canlist",
  "id": "ef21ba5c-ea15-4690-a074-d24cade9b9f6",
  "rules": [
    "CAN listimages",
    "CAN listmachines",
    "CAN listpackages"

The actions in the rules say that members of the role who use this policy, can list images, list instances (machines), and list packages. You an see a full list of valid CloudAPI actions here.

Now let's create the role listing.

$ sdc-role create --name=listing \
                  --members=maria \
                  --members=bob \
                  --default-members=bob \
  "name": "listing",
  "id": "0596598a-8bb6-6c11-edd2-ccd2dfc4437f",
  "members": [
  "default_members": [
  "policies": [

Tagging CloudAPI resources with roles

Before we can use those roles, however, we have to associate them with a resource. In CloudAPI, resources are REST endpoints.

Use the sdc-chmod command to tag the corresponding endpoints for the listimages, listmachines, and listpackages actions with the listing role.

$ sdc-chmod -- +listing /my/machines
$ sdc-chmod -- +listing /my/packages
$ sdc-chmod -- +listing /my/images

Bob is a default member, so he can list instances (machines), images, and packages without assuming a role.

$ sdc-listmachines --user=bob --keyId=10:d0:59:ef:4f:71:3b:8b:4b:6a:05:d2:57:24:28:27 | json -a id

$ sdc-listimages --user=bob --keyId=10:d0:59:ef:4f:71:3b:8b:4b:6a:05:d2:57:24:28:27
    "id": "2b683a82-a066-11e3-97ab-2faa44701c5a",
    "name": "base",
    "version": "13.4.0",
    "os": "smartos",
. . .

But Bob cannot create new instances:

$ sdc-createmachine --user=bob \
                    --keyId=10:d0:59:ef:4f:71:3b:8b:4b:6a:05:d2:57:24:28:27 \
                    --image=bae9b95e-10c0-11e4-89d4-9fb9155d8bda \
sdc-createmachine: error (NotAuthorized): You do not have permission to access /philip/machines (createmachine)

At this time, the portal does not provide a means of setting permissions for users.

Writing a role for instance creation

To allow Bob to create new instances we need a new policy and a new role.

The basicmachineops policy allows a user to do some basic things with instances, but not others. For example, the policy allows a user to provision an instance but not to delete or rename it.

$ sdc-policy create --name=basicmachineops
                    --rules='CAN listmachines' \
                    --rules='CAN createmachine' \
                    --rules='CAN getmachine' \
                    --rules='CAN stopmachine' \
                    --rules='CAN restartmachine'
  "name": "basicmachineops",
  "id": "15d05417-1edc-4f80-9946-bf288d8a58ae",
  "rules": [
    "CAN listmachines",
    "CAN createmachine",
    "CAN getmachine",
    "CAN stopmachine",
    "CAN restartmachine"

The role `basicmachine` will allow Bob
to perform basic instance-related tasks.

$ sdc-role create --name="basicmachine" \
                  --members=bob \
                  --default-members=bob \
  "name": "basicmachine",
  "id": "2e7ec1ed-6b33-69d2-c5ea-b8df1657e90f",
  "members": [
  "default_members": [
  "policies": [

Now tag the /my/machines resource with the new role:

$ sdc-chmod -- +basicmachine /my/machines

Now Bob can create a machine:

$ sdc-createmachine --user=bob \
                    --keyId=10:d0:59:ef:4f:71:3b:8b:4b:6a:05:d2:57:24:28:27 \
                    --image=bae9b95e-10c0-11e4-89d4-9fb9155d8bda \
  "id": "e571f3ab-2f2b-6b9d-8098-be5d2c39c1ee",
  "name": "e306e5e",
  "type": "smartmachine",
  "state": "provisioning",
  "image": "bae9b95e-10c0-11e4-89d4-9fb9155d8bda",
  "ips": [],
  "memory": 128,
  "disk": 1280,
  "metadata": {
    "root_authorized_keys": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...M384hFfS4PQ== \n"
  "tags": {},
  "created": "2014-08-05T03:20:37.319Z",
  "updated": "2014-08-05T03:20:37.319Z",
  "networks": [],
  "dataset": "sdc:sdc:base:14.2.0",
  "firewall_enabled": false,
  "compute_node": null,
  "package": "test_128"

Note that since bob created the machine, that resource is tagged with all of Bob's active roles. These are all of Bob's default roles as well as any role he assumed when creating the machine.

$ sdc-info /my/machines/e571f3ab-2f2b-6b9d-8098-be5d2c39c1ee

Writing roles and policies for individual resources

You can use roles to apply to individual instances (machines). This policy allows a user to start, stop, and reboot an instance:

$ sdc-policy create --name=startstop \
                    --rules='CAN rebootmachine' \
                    --rules='CAN stopmachine' \
                    --rules='CAN startmachine'
  "name": "startstop",
  "id": "6544f677-58b1-4c8d-e701-f7b6a61ab4b0",
  "rules": [
    "CAN rebootmachine",
    "CAN stopmachine",
    "CAN startmachine"

And this role allows jill to start, stop, and restart instances:

$ sdc-role create --name=startstop \
                  --members=jill \
                  --default-members=jill \
  "name": "startstop",
  "id": "73a39ab7-4192-6636-a8d9-9a981cc4fb79",
  "members": [
  "default_members": [
  "policies": [

You can assign the startstop role to a specific instance:

$ sdc-chmod -- +startstop /my/machines/db1186a7-e908-632e-d609-ed960ed8bac1

Now jill can stop that machine:

$ sdc-stopmachine db1186a7-e908-632e-d609-ed960ed8bac1 \
                  --user=jill --keyId=10:d0:59:ef:4f:71:3b:8b:4b:6a:05:d2:57:24:28:27
$ sdc-getmachine db1186a7-e908-632e-d609-ed960ed8bac1 | json state

But Jill cannot stop other machines:

$ sdc-stopmachine ad4c95dc-c813-6b63-b3b4-fc4515d36951 \
                  --user=jill --keyId=10:d0:59:ef:4f:71:3b:8b:4b:6a:05:d2:57:24:28:27
sdc-stopmachine: error (NotAuthorized): You do not have permission to access /philip/machines/ad4c95dc-c813-6b63-b3b4-fc4515d36951 (stopmachine)