Reset servers to factory default

Modified: 28 Apr 2022 01:26 UTC

You may need to reset your servers running Triton compute software to a factory default state. In order to remove a server from Triton and reset it, follow these instructions with a compute node which is already running and setup.

  1. On the compute node, run sdc-factoryreset to reboot the server.
  2. Hold the server at the GRUB menu. If using a native PXE for booting, halt the system before it reboots.
  3. While the server being reset is not running and is either off or holding at a boot prompt, click on Forget Server in the AdminUI GUI for that system.
    • Take note of the UUID of the system.
  4. On the head node, check NAPI for references to that system by running sdc-napi /nics | grep UUID or sdc-napi /aggregations | grep UUID.
  5. If data is returned, the data should be removed. Run sdc-napi /nics/XXXXX -X DELETE or sdc-napi /aggregations/XXXXX -X DELETE where XXXXX is the mac address of the NIC or aggregate with colons removed.
  6. Once all data is removed, allow the compute node to complete it's boot process.
  7. You should be able to get into the server with the unsetup password and the server should be shown in the AdminUI GUI.
  8. Set up the compute node as normal.

To remove a server without completing the boot process, follow these steps but leave the server powered off. The zpool will not be destroyed until the server is rebooted and allowed to come back up under SmartOS.